COVID-19 Update (4/21/2022):
Southport Fitness follows the Chicago city guidelines regarding COVID-19 restrictions. Please visit for recent updates.
We are open! We require members to follow the COVID-19 requirements of the facility, city, and state.
If you come to Southport Fitness, it is up to you to help keep our facility safe. Our COVID-19 guidelines remain in effect, and membership is expected to keep the facility clean, tidy, and sanitary for other members to enjoy safely. Facility is cleaned 3x/day, but we rely on members to return equipment and help keep Southport Fitness a healthy place to workout and get the results you’re here for!
No guests are allowed during unstaffed hours. You must be a member to enter Southport Fitness.
Day passes for guests are available during staffed hours.
Members bringing non-members in or sharing their card with non-members will be charged a day pass per infraction and have their accounts terminated.
Cleanest Gym in Chicago, help us keep it that way!
Cleanliness has always been a top priority for us. Our cleaning staff cleans twice daily, and our front desk staff also provides hourly wipe downs of the facility. It’s our mission to disinfect equipment, studios, and frequently touched surfaces so your workout is hygienic and safe.
More gym wipe stations throughout the gym for easier access to wipe down equipment before and after use
Hand sanitizer and paper towels/sanitizing spray throughout the gym
Continue daily/nightly deep-cleaning provided by staff and professional cleaners three times per day
Touchless Check-In
Southport Fitness uses Touchless scan-ins for membership.
Scan your key fob every time you enter the facility at the front door and the front desk. This card is assigned specifically to you. Do not share cards or you will be charged for a day pass per infraction and have your membership discontinued.
Locker Rooms
Locker rooms are open. We ask that you bring as few items as possible to the facility to limit time for workout and items that could potentially be a health-risk.
Physical distancing must be maintained in the locker rooms
Bathrooms, sinks, showers, and lockers are available
Bring your own towel
Bring personal towel, mat, any foam gear needed
Due to COVID-19, we have had to limit a lot of our gym equipment available on the floor. If you need a mat, specific gear that is unavailable, or a towel, please bring a personal one.
Paper towels and sanitary spray will still be available throughout the club, please spray equipment before and after using
Do your part!
It takes all of us doing out part to keep our facilities clean and hygienic.
Here's how you can help us keep our spaces clean.
Stay home if you or anyone in your household has recently or is currently experiencing any illness symptoms such as: cough, fever, unusual shortness of breath, chills. A current list of COIVD-19 symptoms can be found on the CDC website
Wipe down equipment before and after use with spray and paper towels. Allow the cleaned surface to fully dry before using.
Wash your hands frequently. When a sink isn't nearby, use hand sanitizer. Don't wipe the hand sanitizer off. Allow it to fully dry for maximum disinfecting.
We will continue to update this information as it is made available. In the meantime, please feel free to check with the city, state, and CDC recommendations and guidelines for staying safe!
We look forward to seeing you again, and are excited to be your (spotless) neighborhood gym!